University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom (Lead)
The University of Gloucestershire (UoG) is a diverse, vibrant community of 9,000 undergraduate students, 1,000 postgraduate students, 40,000 alumni and 1,000 staff from all across the world. With campuses in Cheltenham and Gloucester, the University offers its students a specialised and dynamic place to learn, grow and make lasting connections. UoG focuses on excellence in teaching, with a mission to enable its students to achieve their full potential through a rich and broad experience. UoG prides itself on building close relationships between students and staff, and on serving the wider community through promoting its economic, cultural and social well-being.
Play Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Play Gloucestershire is a registered charity that delivers active and creative outdoor play in urban and rural communities across the county, whatever the weather, all year round. Activities are both school and community based, and our Play Rangers provide adventure, friendship and fun for hundreds of school aged children each year. We particularly support children from disadvantaged and rurally isolated communities and those living in challenging circumstances.
Our Play Rangers are trained playworkers who take their skills and equipment to where children play, both in schools and in community spaces. They deliver active and creative play outdoors all year round, whatever the weather. Their job is to make play happen, and they co-create play alongside children and other family members.
Rogers Személyközpontú Oktatásért Alapítvány, Hungary
Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education
Based on Carl R. Rogers’ thoughts we believe that a person can understand and fulfill him or herself through living, personal experiences and in accepting relationships. Our mission is to ensure this accepting relationship to people, and to have people understand and become conscious about its importance. Also we would like to understand and prevent all barriers against building up these relationships.
As a permanent educational institution we maintain a “non-school”, called Rogers Academy, where young people looking for an alternative for traditional education can find their place as private learners.
In the last ten years we have implemented more than 50 educational projects in different areas but with common approach: drama pedagogy, arts therapy, free play, game-based learning, emotional intelligence, systems thinking, leisure time pedagogy, talent development, e-learning, sustainability education, human rights and equal opportunities and person-centred organizational development.
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Contact person: Dr. Éva Virág Suhajda
KMOP, Greece
KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre, situated in Athens, is one of the oldest organisations in civil society in Greece, with long-lasting experience in supporting vulnerable groups. Alongside with direct provision of Social services (mental health, trafficking, bullying, employment/poverty) its expertise pertains to design and implementation of impactful and innovative social initiatives (indicative topics: Human Rights, Migrants, Skills Development, Employment, Care & Wellbeing, Gender), education, scientific research and development of know-how in social policy issues, aiming at building resilient communities with equal opportunities for all. KMOP’s vision is a world that rests on integrity, sustainable growth and individual well-being.
CESIE, Italy
CESIE is a non-governmental organisation, established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of the Italian sociologist Danilo Dolci (1924-1997). CESIE contributes to the active participation of people, civil societies and institutions through the implementation of projects on various thematic areas, towards the promotion of growth and development, always valuing diversity in the respect of ethics and human development.
Our MISSION is to promote growth through innovative and participative educational approaches.
Along with other institutions and organisations, CESIE is currently implementing over 120 projects in more than 80 countries.
As a European centre of Studies and Initiatives, the organisation is dedicated to the promotion of research and development so as to increase and improve future-oriented innovation processes in educational, social, economic and cultural spheres believing in the cross-cutting of organisations cooperating within heterogeneous fields and sectors.
Alice Schirosa:
Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke ActionAid, Denmark
Action Aid Denmark (AADK) is one of the largest NGO’s in Denmark with more than 70 years of experience with development work, fighting for global justice, equality, diversity and sustainability.
AADK has a long and comprehensive experience in participatory and interactive learning and facilitation, both nationally and abroad. With a main focus on youth, the organisation supports young people’s capacity to actively engage and participate as citizens. The National Cluster of AADK, through the National Programme & Policy Team, promotes social inclusion with different target groups and provides new methodologies for their fields of work, including trainings development for young people, including marginalized youth and asylum seekers.
AADK maintains its leading role in the ActionAid Federation on both youth engagement, civic participation and governance, as part of an international alliance which works with human rights-based development in more than 40 countries.