Physical and Cultural Activities for Life Skill Development (PAClife) is a project funded by Erasmus+ designed to supporting young migrants and young people facing disadvantage to develop increase resilience through sport and cultural activities.
The project, led by The University of Gloucestershire joins 6 partners from across the EU (Play Gloucestershire, Rogers Foundation- Hungary, KMOP- Greece, CESIE- Italy and Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke ActionAid in Denmark) who will collaborate to enhance the lives of young people, refugees or looked after young people.
PAClife will create opportunities for young people to connect, participate, meet others and feel empowered doing so. Nurturing children’s individual strengths is an important way of creating a positive future and will help in creating vibrant and positive communities. The project will do this through developing a training manual for practitioners working with young people to engage and support opportunities that build space for enjoyment, reflection and shape personal development.
Practitioners will attend a training of trainers course in the UK before going into their settings to deliver the course to young people. The young people taking part in each country will also participate in placements in a number of community settings including sports, dance, drama and play settings. Finally, the accredited course will be promoted at a number of national workshops in each country designed to roll it out more widely while also helping to signpost young people to further opportunities.