Written by Alice Schirosa, CESIE
The growing path youth have to walk through has never been easy for anybody: the world around them changes quickly and their inner world is changing fast, too! Furthermore, some of them are also facing some cultural and social issues and this claims for an action to strengthen their resilience to help them growing as active, responsible and happy citizens.
On February 3rd and 4th, during the kick off meeting of PAClife project (co-funded by Erasmus+ programme), project partners have first met in Cheltenham (UK) to define the guidelines and the main objective the project aims to achieve in the next two years: building resilience among low-skilled and low-qualified migrant and disadvantaged young people so as to help them adapting to new and possibly hard situations. Hence, the development of some life skills has been regarded as fundamental to gain independence and face with positivity the challenges young people face every day in their personal growth path.
To read more you can view the original article here: https://cesie.org/en/youth/paclife-resilience-adaptation-young-people/