Written by Alice Schirosa, CESIE
One of the Paclife project’s main goals is to build resilience among disadvantaged and migrant young people and to support them through the development and piloting of a physical and cultural activity programme designed to help them acquire essential life skills in order to cope with and adapt to new situations and improve their life, and those of their family, friends and community.
The three-day training of trainers in the field of education designed by the PAClife partnership ended last week, bringing together various participants with relevant background from all partner countries.
The training took place on 19th May and on 7th and 14th June and was entirely held online due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Nevertheless, it has represented a paramount opportunity to introduce the trainers to the partnership and introduce them to the PAClife methodology.
In order to make young people more aware of their potentialities and help them to grow as active and responsible citizens, PAClife delivered the Physical and Cultural Activity Training Programme which has been based on the development of the 5 competences (5 Cs) identified within the framework of the Positive Youth Development (PYD), namely “competence, confidence, connection, character, & caring”.
Far from being a limit to participants’ full engagement, the online delivery of the training course not only provided them with all the essential information and advice on how to implement the activities with this specific target group, taking into account the best ways to enhance the active participation of disadvantaged youth, but also enabled them to have a first-hand experience of the flexibility of the training activities suggested, putting themselves in the shoes of their target group and, therefore, gaining a better understanding of the programme and its future positive effects on youth.
Now participants are getting ready to seize the opportunity to pilot locally the PAClife methodology with disadvantaged youth and to later involve and support themin undertaking volunteering opportunities with other children in their local community, thus helping young people develop social, cultural and emotional attachments with their environments and, therefore, promoting their positive adaptation and social cohesion. The course provided youth workers with a training tool to empower young people and help them acquire and develop life skills which will build their resilience, and improve their inclusion in society and their employability.
Keep following us to discover the next stages of this project or contact alice.schirosa@cesie.org to receive more information about the opportunity to get involved in our training activities!